How can new mothers get back in shape after childbirth?

Release time:2023-11-11 11:41

How can new mothers get back in shape after childbirth?

From pregnancy to postpartum, women are divided into pregnancy period, puerperal period (that is, "confinement" in this book), and lactation period. Due to family planning, the national policy requires "only one child", and most women have only one chance to give birth in their lifetime. Therefore, it is regarded as a "top priority" by the society and the family, and special care is given to pregnant women in terms of spirit, life, work and material enjoyment. However, too much life care often creates opportunities for pregnant women to gain weight.

The nutritional status of pregnant women is related to the choice and intake of food, which will have an impact on the intellectual, physical and physical development of the baby. Therefore, it is not appropriate to lose weight during pregnancy, but to monitor nutrition with the help of a doctor and maintain an appropriate weight gain rate. According to the BMI (body mass index) value of pregnant women, the most suitable weight gain range for pregnant women is: BMI19.8 should increase 12.7-18.2 kg BMI19.8-26 should increase weight 6.8-11. 4 kg BMI 19 should increase 6.8 kg The appropriate rate of weight gain during pregnancy is 0.5 kg per week for overweight women and 0.25 kg per week. If it is less than 1 kg or more than 3 kg per month, the frequency of monitoring should be increased.

It is generally believed that the postpartum physiological recovery period takes about 42 days, which is often said that the "confinement period", medically known as the puerperal period. In the puerperal period, in addition to the breast is still full, the other reproductive organs are basically restored to normal pregnancy. In the early stage of confinement, recuperation and rest should be the main focus. Due to the suffering of pregnancy in October, the gas of childbirth, the mother's blood is consumed. Mothers should first pay attention to rest, recover their strength as soon as possible, and understand the baby's living habits.

In order to ensure sufficient milk and meet feeding needs, you can drink more soup, such as: carp soup, chicken soup, pork rib soup, pig trotter soup, beef and mutton soup, jujube and white fungus soup, it is best to drink soup and meat together. Also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. However, you should not think that "confinement" means eating, sleeping, and feeding the child, while ignoring exercise. Because early exercise is very beneficial for the discharge of lochia, the recovery of the uterus and the prevention of embolism. Therefore, maternal aerobic exercise should begin 24 hours after delivery, including leg lifts, sit-ups, anal shrinkage, etc., to promote physical recovery.

Postpartum body shape and posture recovery can take six months to a year. Therefore, lactation is the best period for postpartum women to regain their shape. At this time, from life to diet, from conditioning to exercise, maternal only comprehensive conditioning can reach a more ideal level.

First of all, in terms of diet, you should arrange a balanced diet according to your height, weight, labor process, and age. In feeding to ensure the needs of their own and the baby, but also to avoid excessive intake, resulting in fat accumulation. It can be calculated according to the daily supply per kilogram of body weight recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society, and then scientifically arrange recipes.

Example: 28-year-old lactating woman, 160 cm tall, 65 kg weight, engaged in general labor. Then her ideal weight is 160cm-105=55kg. The difference between the actual weight and the ideal weight is 65-55=10 kg. This 10 kg is over the standard weight and should be corrected. We can calculate the caloric requirement of 2150 calories a day through the supply standard, so as to formulate a reasonable diet. The principle is: choose a variety of food, meat and vegetables with reasonable, three meals of heat distribution ratio can be arranged according to 1/5, 2/5, 2/5, food intake should meet the body's needs for protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins. Trace elements and minerals, water and dietary fiber and other 7 nutrients need.

For example: daily intake of an egg, a bag of milk, 50 grams of soy products, 100 grams of meat, 75 grams of seafood, to ensure the supply of high-quality protein, 500 grams to 750 grams of vegetables, 150 grams of fruit, 300 grams to 350 grams of staple food, 20 grams of cooking oil, a small amount of peanuts, sunflower seeds and other nuts, so that the basic rich balance. Try to eat high-calorie cream, cheese, fried foods, desserts, etc.

In addition, schedule 1-2 exercises a day. It can be adjusted reasonably according to its own situation. For example: do radio exercises, jogging, skipping rope, swimming, dancing and other activities. You can also achieve the purpose of exercise by wiping the floor, vacuuming, cleaning and other daily life. Because, in the process of wiping the floor and doing hygiene, the hands should push and pull, the body should lean forward, and the feet should step on the ground to maintain the balance of the body, so as to increase the amount of exercise, consume energy, and reduce fat accumulation.

It can be seen that if you want to maintain a beautiful body after childbirth, you must combine work and rest, arrange meals reasonably, maintain a balanced diet, live a regular life, exercise properly, and maintain a healthy mood. This will not only give the baby good food, but also keep you healthy. Live a rich and healthy life.


