How to Care for Your Hair: Beer for Smoother and Shinier Hair

Release time:2023-08-01 17:26

How to Care for Your Hair: Beer for Smoother and Shinier Hair

Every girl dreams of having flowing and elegant long hair. However, the beauty of hair is not just about its length but also its quality. Nowadays, hair issues like coarseness and discoloration are prevalent. Today, we will learn together about various hair care methods, the correct way to care for your hair, and the aspects of hair care to focus on.

Four Hair Care Secrets for Women:

Use Natural Hair Conditioners

Beer: Achieve Smoothness

Beer is made through anaerobic fermentation and contains components like carbonic acid and acetic acid, with a pH value generally ranging from 4.4 to 4.6. Its weak acidic properties can help close the hair cuticles, resulting in smoother hair. Therefore, beer acts as a natural hair conditioner and is derived from natural grain fermentation, containing numerous plant-based nutrients, making it a natural hair care product.

How to use:

Pour beer into a basin and dilute it with warm water, maintaining a ratio not exceeding 1:2 (beer to water). It's alright to use a smaller amount of beer. This diluted beer solution is used for hair washing. Soak your hair in the beer solution and gently wash and massage your hair, ensuring each strand is thoroughly soaked. You can wash your hair with beer for 5-10 minutes.

Vinegar: Add Shine

Similar to beer, vinegar is a weak acidic solution that can also close the hair cuticles, resulting in smoother hair. Vinegar is also derived from the fermentation of natural grains such as sorghum, rice, corn, and wheat. Its ingredients are far from simple, and many so-called "nutrient-rich" shampoos and conditioners are no match for vinegar.

How to use:

Use rice vinegar or apple cider vinegar, and clear, colorless varieties are preferred. First, wash your hair as usual. Then, fill a basin with warm water and add about 3 bottle caps of vinegar, stirring it. Use this vinegar-water mixture to wash your hair for about 10 minutes, allowing the vinegar to thoroughly contact your hair. Finally, rinse your hair with clean water and let it dry naturally. Your hair will become extremely smooth, and hair loss will decrease.

Ginger Juice: Promote Hair Growth

It is well-known that rubbing ginger on the scalp is a famous home remedy for promoting hair growth. However, some people find the stimulation too strong, causing their scalp to become red and itchy after use, making them uncomfortable. In such cases, you can consider adding ginger juice to the water used for hair washing, which will still stimulate hair growth.

How to use:

The simplest method is to add a few slices of ginger to the water and boil them together. Then, use this water to wash your hair. You can also add ginger juice directly to the squeezed-out shampoo, but avoid pouring too much at once.

Baking Soda: Eliminate Grease

Baking soda, with the chemical name sodium bicarbonate, is an acid salt formed by neutralizing strong alkalis and weak acids. When dissolved in water, it exhibits weak alkaline properties and can effectively remove grease. Therefore, using water with baking soda can replace shampoo. In fact, many people in Europe and America prefer using baking soda to wash their hair instead of shampoo because this natural method is gentler on the hair and effectively reduces hair loss.

How to use:

Normally, you would use a ratio of 1:20, which means 25 grams of baking soda in 500 ml of water. Remember, pour hot water first, then cold water, and finally add the baking soda. Baking soda will quickly decompose when exposed to temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius, rendering it ineffective.

Lemon Juice: Fragrance and Smoothness

Adding some lemon juice to the water used for hair washing not only provides a refreshing and pleasant scent but also serves as a natural hair conditioner. Lemon juice has a pH value of approximately 3, which is very close to that of regular conditioners. Moreover, lemon juice contains abundant water-soluble vitamins, which can promote blood circulation in the scalp, stimulate hair growth, and make hair more full and resilient, while also reducing static electricity to some extent.

How to use:

After washing your hair with shampoo, separately pour another basin of water and add the juice of half a lemon, stirring it evenly. Soak your hair in this lemon juice solution for 1-3 minutes, then rinse it with clean water.

Moisturizing Spray

Especially during winter, when hair lacks moisture, it is more prone to breakage. Apply hair conditioner spray to the hair roots every day and gently massage it. After washing your hair each time, when it's semi-dry, spray a moisturizing spray containing hydration ingredients to your hair.

Scalp Cleansing

During dry weather in winter, scalp cleansing becomes important. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of hair washing to two to three times a week. After washing, blow-dry your hair as soon as possible. Wet hair is fragile, and it can have a significant impact on the sc
