The methods of calculating the ovulation period are as follows

Release time:2023-11-13 14:04

The methods of calculating the ovulation period are as follows: 1. Measuring basal body temperature: After sleeping for six to eight hours, the body temperature is measured without any activity, such as stretching, yawning, sitting up, talking, eating, etc. The measured body temperature is called basal body temperature. The measurement method is to prepare a thermometer in your pillow before going to bed, take it out of your mouth after waking up in the morning, and measure it after five minutes. On the days after your menstruation, your basal body temperature usually drops to the day before your ovulation period. On the day of ovulation, your basal body temperature is the lowest. After ovulation, your body temperature rises for about two weeks and then drops again until your menstruation arrives. In addition, this method is commonly used in infertility patients to determine whether there is ovulation, because sometimes there is no ovulation. Therefore, this method must be determined continuously for more than three months to make the correct judgment. 2. Check the cervical mucus method at the hospital_hair milos forman : Carefully observe vaginal secretions, which vary in quantity, consistency, and consistency. After the menstrual period, the vaginal secretions are sticky and thick. On the days of ovulation, the vaginal secretions are thin and runny like clear nasal discharge. 3. Calendar calculation method: For women with regular menstruation, the ovulation date is 14 days before the next menstruation, which can be marked on the calendar card. 4. B-ultrasound monitoring method: Using B-ultrasound to continuously monitor the size and ovulation date of the follicles. This method is only suitable for women with regular menstruation. If a woman has irregular menstruation or irregular menstruation, it is impossible to determine the next menstruation time. 5. Use ovulation test strip method: Now there is an ovulation test strip on the market, which can be tried during the above-mentioned methods, and it can be determined by yourself when you have reached your ovulation period. In conclusion, ovulation is a unique phenomenon in women of childbearing age. If you want to conceive during ovulation, there is a great chance for women to conceive. However, the stability of the ovulation period is closely related to the fertility rate. Therefore, women are pregnant during the ovulation period, and there may be some factors and symptoms that affect the normal ovulation period. If you want the ovulation period to be stable and normal, women must pay special attention to some living habits to ensure the normal and stable ovulation period.
