What to Do If Your Hair Becomes Frizzy and What Are the Reasons?

Release time:2023-10-06 14:06

What to Do If Your Hair Becomes Frizzy and What Are the Reasons?

For those with frizzy hair, it's essential to focus on both external hair care and dietary adjustments to nourish your hair from the inside out. Incorporating certain foods into your diet can help improve your hair's condition. Black sesame seeds, walnuts, and soy products, for example, are known for their hair-nourishing benefits.

Excessive heat and prolonged use of a hairdryer can damage your hair. Before using a hairdryer, pat your hair dry with a thick towel until it's no longer dripping wet. Start blow-drying with your head tilted forward and begin at the length near your ears. While blow-drying, constantly flip and lift your hair to increase the heated area, which will help speed up the drying process.

Avoid directing the hairdryer directly at your scalp or hair ends for an extended period, as these areas are fragile. Generally, blow-dry your hair until it's dry above the ears and about 70% dry at the ends. Additionally, it's advisable to invest in a hairdryer with a constant temperature and negative ion function as it reduces hair damage.

Factors Affecting Hair Quality:

External Factors and Living Environment: Be cautious about spending extended periods in polluted or oily environments. Pay attention to relative humidity and aim for a temperature around 25 degrees Celsius for a healthy hair growth environment. Sudden changes in temperature and significant temperature differences can make your hair less resistant and more prone to damage.

Individual Hair Type: Hair can be categorized as dry, normal, or oily. If your hair tends to be oily, consider washing it daily or at least once a day. To improve hair quality, it's essential to adjust your hair care routine and choose appropriate shampoo and conditioner. You can also consider supplementing your diet with vitamins B2 and B6, eating more fruits, drinking plenty of water, and engaging in regular physical exercise.

Internal Factors: Your emotional state can also affect your hair quality. Maintaining a positive mood and managing stress effectively is crucial. Most of the time, maintaining a good mood can help relax your mind, reducing tension in the scalp and providing a better environment for hair growth.
